Benefits of sugarcane vs. beet 


Our business is based on sugarcane – whether growing sugarcane in our Florida farms or refining all over the USA, it's what we do. Compared with its nearest equivalent, sugarbeet, sugarcane offers many advantages when it comes to growing methods, product variation and ease of use in cooking.

Molasses derived from sugarcane adds sweetness and enhances the flavor of brown and golden sugars. Unlike beet molasses, which is bitter and generally unpalatable, sugarcane’s versatility creates a significantly broader range of products. If you see a brown sugar from Name iStock-471125551 sugarbeet, it’s usually just standard white sugar from sugarbeet, which has simply been ‘painted’ brown by the addition of cane molasses. 

We only need sugarcane to make our products; we do not need to add any other flavor profiles and color opportunities, not possible with simple white beet sugar.

Non-GMO is fast becoming the new normal in modern food production. Unlike beet sugar, rest assured cane sugar, whether white or brown, is always Non-GMO. So when consumers see ‘Cane sugar' on an ingredient declaration, they know it is a sign of quality.